New Strong Typhoon Ruby May Hit Philippines December 6, 2014 - Viral News

Breaking: PAG-ASA tracking possible strong typhoon RUBY that may hit Philippines this December 6, 2014.  The new cyclone  will be named RUBY once it will enter the Philippine Area or Responsibility (PAR).

PAG-ASA said that typhoon RUBY is expected to be strong and may follow the track of supertyphoon Yolanda last year.  Typhoon Ruby is too far from the land and could gain more strength as it moves closer to Philippines.

There are two possible scenarios about the coming typhoon Ruby. Weather officials said that the movement of new typhoon will depend on the High Pressure Area (HPA) located northeast of the Philippines. If the HPA moves then the new cyclone will not hit Philippines and moves towards Japan but if it will not move it may follow track of Yolanda (Haiyan) and make landfall in our country.

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