Apple IPhone Memory Hack from 16GB to 128GB for 92 USD - Viral

Apple's IPhone memory hack from 16GB to 128GB became a blossom business in one China's phone repair shop.

How do they hack the memory of IPhone? Read the detail below how Chinese did such incredible thing.

Shop cracks iPhone tech, updates phone from 16G to 128G

Many people share the feeling that iPhone’s memory capacity is too small and spending a lot of money on a high memory phone is not worth it. Recently a new kind of update to iPhone’s memory technology has “blossomed” online.

Some phone maintenance companies claim to update iPhone’s memory from 16G to 128G within one hour, charging only 580 yuan (92 US Dollars). A local news reporter experienced it firsthand on November 1, and provided further details of the process.

Xu, owner of a phone repair shop in Chongqing Municipality said, “Memory chips of iPhone have to be verified before being activated, so we couldn’t update them before.” But someone has developed a miraculous tool enabling technicians to read the serial number of the hard disk, helping to activate the iPhone directly.

The second procedure involves replacing the original memory card of the iPhone, which requires technicians with superb skills to weld the new memory card on sixty pinpoint soldered joints.

After just one week of introducing this new service, Xu’s shop has updated more than seventy iPhones with zero cases of user failure. However, Apple China official indicated that so far they have no response to this news.

The report went viral on China’s social media platforms and has triggered hot debates on whether it is good.

“First you don’t know if merchants have stolen your information. Second, updating your iPhone means you give up the official warranty, and you really lose a lot. ”@AZE remarked.

“After updating the iPhone, Android’s logo will appear on the phone!”@weilinna squibs.

“Actually I would prefer spending that money to buy a 128G iPhone, it’s almost the same amount of money.”@yixiang said.

source: CCTV News

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