Tarik Zahzah Carrying Gun Entered Dutch News Station NOS - Viral Video

Updates: Tarik Zahzah entered the studio carrying gun - Tarik storms Dutch news station on January 29, 2015 and its video surfaced online

A man who entered the Netherlands public broadcaster NOS carrying a gun was arrested on camera Thursday evening after taking a security guard hostage and demanding air time at the start of the main evening news broadcast.

Post by BBC News.
Dramatic video shows the moment armed police arrest a gunman in a studio of a Dutch broadcaster

After taking a hostage at the network's Mediapark facilities in the city of Hilversum, southeast of Amsterdam, the assailant, identified as 19-year old Tarik Zahzah, handed over a letter stating there were bombs in the building, and said he was heavily armed. Police revealed later today that the gun was a fake.
Technicians in the studio's control room said they sounded the alarm and led both the gunman and the guard to a different empty studio, which is used only for daytime broadcasts. One employee also pressed record on one of the cameras, so that the scene that unfolded was captured.

According to the Daily Beast, the man, who was wearing a dark suit and glasses, handed out a letter to employees of the NOS state broadcast center in Hilversum, saying he worked for a hackers collective "against the great forces of capitalism." He reportedly claimed to work for the collective's security services and said he didn't want to harm anyone.

"When you read this don't panic," part of the letter read. "Don't start screaming and don't alarm your colleagues. I am heavily armed. If you cooperate correctly you will come to no harm. There are another five plus 98 hackers who are ready for a cyber attack. On top of that there are eight heavy explosives placed in this country that have radioactive components. If you don't bring me to Studio 8 to take over the broadcast then we will be forced to take action."
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