Vigan City, Philippines Is One of 7 Wonder Cities of the World

CONGRATULATIONS: Vigan City, Philippines named as one of the new 7 Wonder Cities of the World. Ilocos Sur capital Vigan has been selected as one of the New 7 Wonders cities. New 7 Wonders made the announcement via YouTube December 8, 3 am Manila time. (READ: Weekend in Vigan: 12 things to do)

These are the winning cities:

Beirut, Lebanon
Doha, Qatar
Durban, South Africa
Havana, Cuba
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
La Paz, Bolivia
Vigan, Philippines

Bernard Weber, Founder-President of New7Wonders, announcing the election of Beirut, Doha, Durban, Havana, Kuala Lumpur, La Paz and Vigan as the New7Wonders Cities.

Aside from the 7 winnners, decided via voting, the following cities rounded out the top 14: Barcelona, Chicago, London, Mexico City, Perth, Quito, and Reykjavik.

During the voting period, the whole province of Ilocos Sur campaigned for text voting for Vigan City. Users were also able to vote via the website, applications, and postcards.

“We congratulate each of these cities on achieving their New7Wonders status, and we look forward to celebrating their election to the 'canon of 7' with their citizens in 2015,” said New7Wonders Founder and President Bernard Weber on the official site, adding, “The New7Wonders Cites will now join the New7Wonders of Nature and the New7Wonders of the World in becoming part of Global Memory for humanity forever.”

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