Viral News - Major earthquake or strong earthquake to hit Philippines and Indonesia according to International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center in Orlando, Florida. According to the prediction center there will be a Magnitude 8.0 or even stronger will rock Philippines and Indonesia from January 7, 2013 to December 2014.The news became viral but many believes this is not true and no one can predict earthquakes when will it come.
The quake is expected to produce a M8.0+ event with possible tsunami. The time frame for this quake to strike is from now until December 2014 and is detailed in the associated warning notice posted at the IEVPC web site (
The International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center released details
P.O. Box 607147 – Orlando, Fl 32860
(407) 985-3509 –
Major Earthquake Predicted
for Philippines and Indonesia
Monday, January 7, 2013 Press Release 01-01-07-13
9:00 AM
The IEVPC announces today its latest prediction for a major earthquake, centered between the Philippines and northern Indonesia in the Molucca Sea.
source: thecontroversialfiels
Strong Earthquake to rock Philippines on January 7 says International Prediction Center

Write commentsLord Please have mercy on your people in the Philippines.
ReplyOh Lord please dont let it happen to our country Philippines..Lord Please! Amen
ReplyGod if it's your will then we pray to your son Jesus Christ and to HIs Mother-Mary to repent our sins -PLEASE save the people especially the poor-the animals & the plants...Have Pity on Us...Amen
ReplyOh God please hear our prayers.give your children more strength to overcime all of this Jesus name we pray..amen.
Replylord save d philippines oh lord we love u jesus.
ReplyPls dont let it happen, we love Philippines so extremely much many beautiful islands and feel pity for people living there specially my family that i loved amen...MLP
ReplyLord god I know your not going to let this happen to the people in the philippines especially our love ones. I trust you and I believe in you with all my heart. I surrender everything to you with your power and miracles to the people who needs you when it comes to any terrible disaster that might come to us. Make us strong and make me beliwve that nothing is going to happen to your people in the philippines. Amen..