President Barack Obama catches fainting Pregnant woman Viral Video

President Barack Obama catches fainting Pregnant woman Karmel Allison during his speech video. Crowds applauded for what Pres. Obama did. He protected woman. The video spreads online and many praised President Obama.
reference: Trending Video - Barack Obama catches faiting woman
While speaking on the cyber issues plaguing at the White House earlier this afternoon, President Barack Obama paused in the middle of his remarks to catch a pregnant woman who was close to passing out, reports
“This happens when I talk too long,” Obama joked from the Rose Garden as people applauded.
Karmel Allison was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was 9-years-old. She was in attendance at the White House because she is a potential beneficiary of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
On October 7, Allison wrote a blog entitled, “What Obamacare Feels Like To A Diabetic.” The blog made its way from the American Diabetic Association to the White House and she was invited to the event.(

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