Sarah Guyard-Guillot during Cirque du Soleil's performance

Sarah Guyard-Guillot, a Paris-born performer in Cirque du Soleil's "Ka" died after a fall during a show in Las Vegas on Saturday night.

The 31-year-old acrobatic performer was pronounced dead at University Medical Center after she fell nearly 50 feet from the show's stage during the near end of the production at the MGM Grand.

Witnessed said Guyard-Guillot was being hoisted up the side of the stage when it appeared that she slipped free of her safety wire and plummeted to an open pit below the stage.

The show momentarily continued, then stopped. Minutes after the accident, a recorded announcement informed audience members that refunds or vouchers to future shows would be offered, and the crowd was dismissed.

Guyard-Guillot, a mother of two children, had been with the original cast of "Ka" since 2006, and had been an acrobatic performer for over 20 years.

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